The goal of J-GlycoNet is to promote the advancement of life science by supporting research on glycans, which have been comparatively under-researched among the three major life bio-chains. To achieve this goal, the network will facilitate collaboration across different research fields and provide comprehensive research support through joint facility usage and a One-Stop consultation desk.

Integrated Glycan Research by J-GlycoNet
By providing research consultation through a One-Stop consultation desk and enabling joint usage and collaborative research, J-GlycoNet aims to promote the integration of glycan research with various fields and facilitate game-changing advancements in life and medical sciences.

Knowledge Exchange
Our goal is to encourage the exchange of personnel among institutions, both in Japan and abroad, to facilitate knowledge sharing and promote the development of cross-sectoral researchers, including those specializing in glycans.

Building a Support System via the All Japan Glycan Network
J-GlycoNet plans to establish a nationwide network of glycoscience by collaborating with national glycoscience researchers as collaborative fellows in Japan, in addition to researchers from the three institutions, to support research in the country.