Collaborative fellow(CF)
J-GlycoNet has established an All-Japan glycan research support system. The system is made possible by the appointment of Collaborative Fellows (CFs), who are glycan researchers across Japan and possess original and pioneering specialized skills. With this system, we can provide even broader support for glycan research.
By utilizing the facilities, expertise, and resources available at J-GlycoNet, as well as those possessed by the CFs, the Glycan Research Management Office will provide suitable proposals to address the issues raised by researchers.
If you would like to request support for glycan research or learn more about it, please contact our One-Stop consultation desk.

Know-how and resources available at J-GlycoNet
Listed here are just some of the know-how resources available.
- [Synthetic/purified glycans/chemically modified glycoconjugates]
- Glycan derivatives for research purpose, glycolipids, N-glycans, oligosaccharides, polysialic acids, synthetic glycopeptides, etc.
Consultation on the synthesis using various chemical reactions suitable for specific glycan structures.
- [Glycan detection tool]
- Tools for detecting specific glycan structures such as lectins and anti-glycan antibodies
- [Glycan structure analysis technology]
- Glycan structure analysis and quantification using lectin array, mass spectrometry, various chemical reaction methods, HPLC, and NMR.
- [Glycan-related genes, glycan-modified cells, animals in which a glycan-related gene is modified]
- Glycan-related genes such as glycosyltransferases and glycan-degrading enzymes, and glycan gene-modified animals
- [Glycan informatic analysis]
- Glycan structure/function analysis using various informatics
- [Consultation on glycan clinical research]
- Glycan structure/function analysis using various informatics
Aikawa Kyoko
Ochanomizu University, Facility o Science, Laboratory of Biochemistry
Akai Shoji
Kagawa Nutrition University
Carbohydrate, Synthesis of natural compound, Protection/deprotection
We work on synthesis of natural compound from carbohydrate and development of protection/deprotection method useful for glycan synthesis. We also focus on carbohydrate related to food and nutrients.
Akiyoshi Kazunari
Kyoto University, Graduate School of Engineering, Division of Chemical Science and Technology
Division of Chemical Science and Technology
We try to develop self-organizing nanogel in water derived from hydrophobic polysaccharide and apply these compounds as nano-carrier for protein to vaccination and regenerative medicine. We also analyze glycans of exosome surface and explore their functions.
Arata Yoichiro
Teikyo University, Faculty of Pharma-Science
Galectin, S-Nitrosylation
Galectins are animal lectins which specifically recognize -galactoside. Galectin-2 (Gal-2), which is highly expressed in stomach and suggested to protect gastric mucosa membrane, is inactivated by oxidation of its cysteine residues. We found that S-nitrosylation (a form of posttranslational modification) of Gal-2 protects it from oxidative inactivation and maintains its lectin activity. In addition, Gal-2 was suggested to interact with MUC5AC, a mucin important for protecting gastric mucus membrane. Now we try to elucidate the molecular mechanism by which Gal-2 protects gastric mucus membrane.
Ikehara Yuzuru Ikehara Yuzuru
Chiba University, Graduate School of Medicine
Ishimizu Takeshi
Ritsumeikan University, College of Life Sciences
Cell wall polysaccharide, Flavonoid glycoside, Plant
Plants produce diverse and large amount of carbohydrate which are essential for physiological functions of plant growth. We try to elucidate the biosynthetic mechanisms and physiological functions of plant carbohydrate through analysis of biosynthetic and degrading enzymes for cell wall polysaccharide and flavonoid glycoside.
Izumi Masayuki
Kochi University, Faculty of Science and Technology
Glycoprotein, Engineered lectin, Chemical synthesis of protein
We use knowledge and experience in synthesis and analysis of sugar derivatives and modified proteins to chemically synthesize glycoproteins with uniform glycan structures, ubiquitinated glycoproteins, and lectins with regiospecific modifications.
Itano Naoki
Kyoto Sangyo University, Faculty of Life Sciences
Hyaluronic acid, Glycosyltransferase, Cancer
We try to elucidate the mechanism of hyaluronic acid biosynthesis and the function of hyaluronic acid by modifying hyaluronic acid biosynthetic genes. Our main research interest is the mechanism of cancer stemness regulated by hyaluronic acid.
Ichiyanagi Tsuyoshi Ichiyanagi Tsuyoshi
Tottori University,Faculty of Agriculture
LPS、core oligosaccharide、chemical synthesis
We aim to elucidate the function of the structural universal region (core sugar chain) in lipopolysaccharides and lipo-oligosaccharides using synthetic chemical methods. We are developing a precise chemical synthesis method for oligosaccharide chains containing 3-deoxy-D-mannoocto-2-uronic acid (Kdo) and L/D-glycero-D-mannoheptose (Hep), which are acidic 8 carbon sugars, and labeling these glycans and synthesizing them in libraries.
Itoh Kohji Itoh Kohji
Tokushima University Graduate School of Medicine
Lysosomal enzymes, lysosomal diseases, gene therapy
We are conducting basic and applied research on the biosynthesis of lysosomal enzymes and their pathogenesis, elucidation of pathophysiology, and development of treatment methods for hereditary defects (lysosomal diseases). Gene therapy using a novel modified β chain (modHEXB) gene and AAV vector for Tay-Sachs disease and Mr./Ms. of GM2 ganglioside storage disease (GM2 gangliosidosis) based on a deficiency of β-hexosaminidase (Hex) A (αβ heterodimer), In addition, we are developing molecular therapies (recombinant human enzyme replacement therapy and in vivo gene therapy) that utilize the newly modified NEU1 (modNEU1)/cathepsin A (CTSA) gene for sialylglycosis sialidosis and galactocyalidosis based on neuraminidase 1 (NEU1) deficiency.
Itonori Saki Itonori Saki
Shiga University,Faculty of Education
Glycolipid Structure Analysis, Glycolipid Glycomes, Glycan Series
Glycolipids present on the surface of cells are considered to be functional molecules that are deeply involved in cellular functions and life phenomena due to their chemical structure. With the aim of elucidating the function of glycolipids, we have also discovered the glycan structure of glycolipids that can be said to be unique to animal species through research on various invertebrate species. Invertebrates are organisms that can be vectors of infectious diseases for humans, and we hope to contribute to the elucidation of the mechanism of action of pathologies by analyzing their glycan structures.
Inokuchi Jin-ichi Inokuchi Jin-ichi
Tohoku Medical and Pharmaceutical University and Osaka University,
Sphingolipids are based on the diversity of glycan and ceramide structures, and there are thousands of molecules. The expression of these diverse sphingolipids is selectively and specifically regulated by cells, tissues, and organs, and the biological significance of how this expression control mechanism was acquired and the biological significance of its diversity have not yet been elucidated, and we are trying to elucidate this basic proposition. Recently, we discovered that the ganglioside GM3 variant regulates the activation of the innate immune receptor TLR4 in both positive and negative directions, and we are promoting joint research to elucidate the mechanism of biological homeostasis by sphingolipids.
Ihara Yoshito Ihara Yoshito
Faculty of Medicine, Wakayama University of Medicine
C-Mannosylation, Glycosaminoglycans, Amyloid
Through research on the biosynthetic mechanism of protein C-mannosylated glycogenesis, we are conducting clinical medical research on metabolic diseases and neoplastic diseases. On the other hand, we are also conducting research on the pathological control mechanism of conformational diseases by sulfated glycosaminoglycans, focusing on the analysis of molecular mechanisms using immunohistochemical methods and glycan-modified cells, led by Dr. Kazuchika Nishitsuji. In the future, we will also develop research on the contribution of protein C-mannosylated glycogenesis to conformational pathogenesis.
Iwabuchi Kazuhisa
Juntendo University Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Urashima Tadasu Urashima Tadasu
Obihiro University of Agriculture and Agriculture , Faculty of Animal Husbandry
Development of milk oligosaccharides, glycan libraries, and functional food ingredients
As a usable biological resource, milk collected from livestock is used to separate milk oligosaccharides and analyze their structure. The milk oligosaccharides will be used as a library for functional analysis of glycans. Since April, I would like to continue my research in collaboration with Professor Miyanishi of the Faculty of Food and Environmental Sciences, Toyo University, and contribute to the discovery of new glycan functions and the development of functional foods and drug discovery based on the revealed functions in the future.
Ohtani Katsuki Ohtani Katsuki
Dairy Agricultural Gakuen University Agricultural and Food Environment Group
Colectins, scavenger receptors, complement
We are conducting research on collectins. We are mainly working on the functional analysis of secretory collectins MBL, CL-K1, CL-L1, CL-LK and membrane collectin CL-P1 and their role in complement pathways. We are conducting studies at the protein and cellular levels, as well as at the biological level using genetically modified mice.
Ohtsubo Kazuaki Ohtsubo Kazuaki
Kumamoto University,Graduate School of Life Sciences
Sialyl Tn antigen, GnT-IV
In our laboratory, we are mainly working on the biological function analysis of Sialy-Tn (sTn) glycan antigen, which is a tumor marker molecule deeply involved in cancer malignancy and metastasis, the regulatory mechanism of membrane proteins by N-glycosylation, and the stabilization mechanism by galectin lattice, and the role and significance of the mechanism of disease mechanism
Oka Shogo Oka Shogo
Kyoto University,Graduate School of Medicine
HNK-1 glycans, glutamate receptors, perineuronalnets
Glycans that exhibit characteristic expression patterns are expressed in the nervous system, and we are focusing our research on glycans called HNK-1 glycans. HNK-1 glycans are glycan antigens recognized by HNK-1 antibodies, which are characteristic glycans with sulfated glucuronic acid at the ends of glycans. We have shown that HNK-1 glycans play an important role in higher brain functions such as learning and memory. Currently, we are studying the molecular mechanisms by which HNK-1 glycans regulate higher-order brain functions. In particular, we are investigating the role of glycans from the viewpoint of functional regulation of AMPA-type glutamate receptors, which play a central role in synaptic plasticity.
Ochi Rika Ochi Rika
Kochi University,Faculty of Education and Research
Supramolecules, pro-media molecules, and materials
We perform chemical synthesis and physical property evaluation of amphiphilic molecules with sugar residues. In particular, we aim to develop stimulus-responsive supramolecular biomaterials that are responsive to external stimuli such as enzymes.
Ohashi Takao
Setsunan University Faculty of Science and Engineering
Pectin-degrading enzymes, plant-specific metabolites, fermentation production
Research Introduction: In our laboratory, we analyze the functions of carbohydrate-related enzymes involved in the degradation of plant-specific metabolites and pectins, and perform fermentation production using microorganisms of functional compounds using these enzymes.
Ohmi Yusuke
Chubu University Faculty of Life and Health Sciences
ganglioside, α2,6-linked sialic acid, cancer, neurodegeneration, inflammation, extracellular vesicles, signal
Focusing on intractable diseases such as neurodegeneration, cancer, and autoimmunity, we are trying to elucidate the function of sialic acid-containing glycans in the biological regulation. 1) Elucidation of the mechanism of action of sialic acid-containing glycolipids and gangliosides, which are specifically expressed on the membrane of cancer cells, on cancer malignant traits 2) Elucidation of the mechanism of inflammation induction of central nervous system cells astrocytes by ganglioside-neighborhood molecular complexes 3) Elucidation of the mechanism of action and expression control mechanism of inflammatory and anti-inflammatory glycans on IgG
Ohyama Chikara
Graduate School of Medicine, Hirosaki University
Glycan biomarkers, Renal and urological diseases, Glycoproteins, Glycolipids, Hyaluronic acid, Oncology, Immunology, Renal transplantation
Our research group is a research community of the Department of Urology, the Department of Advanced Transplantation and Regenerative Medicine, and the Department of Glycoengineering. Since the main course of clinical medicine is surgery, we will solve questions and problems in clinical settings with a glycobiological approach It is a research style. It covers basic research in biological systems, translational research, and clinical research. Glycan biomarkers, the role of glycans in tumor immunity and transplant immunity, and functional analysis of the novel hyaluronidase TEMEM2 etc.
Kakizaki Ikuko Kakizaki Ikuko
Hirosaki University Graduate School of Medicine,Center for Advanced Medicine
Hyaluronic acid, hyaluronidase, chondroitin sulfate
In order to investigate the relationship between the structure and function of glycosaminoglycans (mainly hyaluronic acid and chondroitin sulfate), we synthesize oligosaccharides and proteoglycans that do not exist naturally as functional analysis tools. In addition, hyaluronic acid and chondroitin sulfate in biological samples are analyzed.
Kakuta Yoshimitsu Kakuta Yoshimitsu
Kyushu University,Faculty of Agriculture
Structural biology of glycan-related enzymes
By analyzing the three-dimensional structure of enzymes related to glycans, we aim to elucidate the detailed molecular mechanisms of enzymes
Kasahara Kohji Kasahara Kohji
Laboratory of Cell Membranes, Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Medical Science
Sphingolipids, lipid rafts, signal transduction
It is known that sphingolipids assemble on the cell membrane to form microdomains called lipid rafts and bind to various signaling molecules, acting as intermediary intercellular signaling and endocytosis intermediaries. In our laboratory, we are clarifying their physiological functions and studying their relationship with diseases.
Kajimoto Tetsuya Kajimoto Tetsuya
RITSUMEIKAN University Research Organization for Science and Technology Research Center for Pharmaceutical Sciences
Kajihara Yasuhiro Kajihara Yasuhiro
Graduate School of Science, Osaka University
N-glycans, glycoproteins, glycopeptides
Synthesis of glycoconjugates using high-purity human-type glycans is investigated. In particular, we have established a simple synthesis method for glycoproteins and are conducting research to elucidate glycan functions
Katayama Takane Katayama Takane
Graduate School of Life Sciences, Kyoto University
Intestinal bacteria Symbiosis and co-evolution Sugar locks
We study the interaction between gut bacteria and the host from the viewpoint of bacterial metabolism. In particular, I would like to understand symbiosis and co-evolution through structural and functional analysis and physiological analysis of enzymes and genes involved in the assimilation of milk oligosaccharides and mucin glycans.
Kato Keiko Kato Keiko
Graduate School of Life Sciences, Kyoto Sangypt University
Sialyltransferase, mouse model
The limbic system is located inside the cerebral cortex and consists of regions that surround the diencephalon and basal ganglia. Its functional roles include the consolidation of memories, the formation of emotions, and the regulation of the autonomic nervous system and endocrine systems. The amygdala, which is included in the limbic system, is deeply involved in emotions such as anxiety and fear, and is also called the emotional center. ST3Gal IV sialyltransferase IV is an essential enzyme for the development of temporal lobe epilepsy with an ignition point in the amygdala, and is known in mouse models to cause depression and anxiety-like symptoms when deficient. Currently, we are conducting research on the pathogenesis of neuropsychiatric disorders caused by metabolic load and sialic acid modification centered on mouse models.
Kato Atsushi Kato Atsushi
Department of Pharmacy, University of Toyama Hospital
In our laboratory, we make full use of research methods such as Structure-Based Drug Design (SBDD: Pharmaceutical Molecular Design Based on the Three-Dimensional Structure of the Target Protein), Carbohydrate Biochemistry, and Medicinal Chemistry to create "optimal small molecule chaperones" according to the mutation site. Our mission is to deliver innovative new drugs to Mr./Ms. patients who are waiting for the development of new therapeutic drugs
Kanagawa Motoi Kanagawa Motoi
Ehimen University Graduate School of Medicine, Graduate School of Medicine, Chemistry and Cellular Biology
Muscular dystrophy, dystroglycans, gene therapy
In this course, we elucidate the molecular pathophysiology of hereditary diseases and glycosylosis by incorporating cutting-edge technologies based on methods such as biochemistry, molecular genetics, and cell biology, and develop molecularly targeted therapies and gene therapies based on the pathological mechanisms. In particular, we focus on muscular dystrophy, lisencephaly, heart failure, and dementia. We also aim to elucidate the molecular and physiological basis of tissue damage caused by the renin-angiotensin system, and to clarify its effects on lifestyle-related diseases and cognitive function. In the field of basic medical biology, we are also conducting research on organelle biology, which aims to elucidate the molecular mechanisms of post-translational modification and intracellular transport, and mechanical biology, which aims to elucidate the mechanism by which cells sense mechanical stimuli and apply them to drug discovery such as sarcopenia.
Kanamori Akiko Kanamori Akiko
Faculty of Engineering, Tokai University
Glutathione, gamma-glutamyltransferase, antioxidant effect
In our laboratory, we design compounds that are effective in preventing, calming, and repairing damage caused by oxidative stress and glycative stress, and are verifying their effects. Currently, we are focusing on glutathione, which is a major antioxidant molecule in the body, and have found that sugar-modified glutathione is no longer affected by degrading enzymes. Since glyco-modified glutathione maintains a thiol group, we aim to utilize its reactivity to be applied to therapeutic drugs.
Kanie Osamu Kanie Osamu
Faculty of Engineering, Tokai University
Chemical Sensing, Protective Sugars
I am interested in the detection of substances in the sensory organs that have evolved over the course of evolution, and I am conducting research and development of new sensor technologies that utilize molecular interactions. In particular, the use of sugars as a backbone material is effective for selective interactions with various molecules because it is possible to limit the position and orientation of the introduced functional groups.
Kamada Yoshihiro Kamada Yoshihiro
Graduate School of Medicine, Osaka University
Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), fucosylation, biomarkers
Our laboratory conducts basic and clinical research on non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). In collaboration with the laboratory of Dr. Hidetomo Mizen, Faculty of Health Sciences, Osaka University, we are promoting research on the development of glycan biomarkers for NAFLD in humans and rodents, and the effects of glycosylation on the pathogenesis of NAFLD. In clinical research, we are conducting registry research at JSG-NAFLD, a nationwide multicenter collaborative research group.
Kameyama Akihiko Kameyama Akihiko
The Institute of Industrial Technology (III) established the Foundation Research Division
Glycomics, Mucins, O-glycan libraries
Mucin is a high-molecular weight glycoprotein with a molecular weight of more than 1 million that has undergone extensive glycosylation. It is a molecule that is closely related to tumors and infections, but it is extremely difficult to evaluate it by proteomic analysis due to its structural characteristics. Therefore, we have developed molecular matrix electrophoresis (SMME) as a new method to simplify mucin analysis. Furthermore, in order to analyze the glycan structure of mucin separated by SMME, we are proposing a new method "elimination oximation" that can release glycans from mucin in a state that can be fluorescently labeled. In line with the development of a method for evaluating O-glycan heterogeneity in biopharmaceuticals using this method and the spread of desorption oximation methods, we are enhancing various O-glycan libraries and planning to use it as a foundation for future simple and rapid O-glycan analysis methods. In addition to such technology development research, we are also promoting research in cooperation with collaborators in various fields, such as tumor marker research and aging research.
Kawasaki nana Kawasaki nana
Yokohama City University Graduate School of Life and Medical Sciences
Mass Spectrometry, Glycoproteomics, Modality Development
1. Structural analysis of glycans of biopharmaceuticals such as antibodies using mass spectrometry, elucidation of the relationship between glycans and their stability and function
2. Development of glycan diagnostic markers using glycoproteomics methods
3. Elucidation of the function of glycans using iPS cells and their differentiated cells, and development of quality control methods for cell processing products
Kawashima Hiroto Kawashima Hiroto
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Chiba University
Glycoimmunology, lymphocyte homing, anti-glycan antibodies
We are conducting research to elucidate the function of glycans in the kinetics of immune cells in the body using mice deficient in glycan synthase-deficient mice, and to treat immune-related diseases by controlling the dynamics of immune cells using our proprietary antiglycan antibodies.
Kitaoka Motomitsu Kitaoka Motomitsu
Faculty of Agriculture, Niigata University
Phosphorylase, oligosaccharides, enzyme synthesis
We are developing practical oligosaccharide production methods using various carbohydrate-related enzymes, focusing on enzymes related to sugars and phosphoric acid such as glycophosphorylases (phosphorylase). In addition, we are conducting research on the identification and utilization of enzymes involved in human milk oligosaccharide metabolism in bifidobacteria.
Kitagawa Hiroshi Kitagawa Hiroshi
The Biochemistry Laboratory of the Faculty of Studies, Kobe University
Glycosaminoglycans, Disease glycobiology, Glycan signaling
Glycans are abundant on the surface or extracellular matrix of cells that make up living organisms. Among glycans, sulfated glycans called glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) are involved in various intracellular signaling and maintain homeostasis in individuals and cells. The synthesis and degradation of GAG are tightly controlled in order to precisely regulate these signalings, and abnormalities are thought to alter cellular traits and are involved in the pathophysiology of various diseases. We are conducting research with the aim of understanding the relationship between the regulation of cell function by glycans and diseases caused by their disruption.
Kitazume Shinobu Kitazume Shinobu
Faculty of Health Sciences, Fukushima University of Medicine
Alzheimer's disease, gliomas, biomarkers
We are conducting basic research for the development of biomarkers and therapeutic drugs for neurological diseases such as Alzheimer's disease and multiple sclerosis, gliomas, etc., starting from glycans and making full use of disease model animals. Taking advantage of the characteristics of the Department of Clinical Laboratory Medicine, we are also conducting research using human clinical Mr./Ms. in joint research with the Faculty of Medicine.
Kimura Yoshinobu Kimura Yoshinobu
Graduate School of Environmental Life Sciences, Okayama University
When you're going to make it, you're going to get it In the face of the evils of the world, ENGase)
Focusing on plant glycans, we conduct basic research to elucidate the various physiological functions of glycoprotein glycans by biochemical and molecular biological methods, and applied research to utilize these diverse glycan functions for plant breeding, functional food development, drug development, etc. In particular, we are working on the formation mechanism of free N-glycans, which are ubiquitous in plants during differentiation and growth, and the physiological functions of these free glycans.
Gu Jianguo Gu Jianguo
Institute of Molecular Biomembranes, Tohoku Medical and Pharmaceutical University
cell adhesion, membrane receptor, signal transduction
In this laboratory, we focus on cancerization, cancer metastasis and invasion, viral infection, neuroinflammation, etc., and identify glycans and target molecules that are closely related to diseases and analyze their functions. Among glycans, we are particularly interested in N-glycans, which modify membrane proteins, and O-GlcNAc, which modifies cytoplasmic proteins.
Kuno Atsushi
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) Cell and Molecular Engineering Research Division
Kohda Daisuke Kohda Daisuke
Kyushu University Institute of Human Defense Medicine
Crystal Structure Analysis, NMR, Cryo-Electron Microscopy
Biochemical and structural biology studies of oligosaccharyltransferases, which transfer oligosaccharide chains to asparagine residues of proteins. As a source of protein, hyperthermophilic archaea and yeast are used. N-glycosylation in archaea is an unexplored field, and we also analyzed the chemical structure of glycan donors LLO and N-glycans.
Satoh Ayano Satoh Ayano
Faculty of Engineering, Okayama University
Golgi, endoplasmic reticulum, secretion, transport, cell assays
We are conducting research on the structure of the Golgi apparatus, which is an organelle involved in the determination of glycan structure, and the control of transport around it, mainly using cultured cells.
Sato Toshinori Sato Toshinori
Department of Life Journalism, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Keio University
Comparative analysis of glycans, biological membrane models, drug delivery systems, peptide aptamers
The following research was conducted in the field of glycobiotechnology.
1) Comparative analysis of glycans expressed in cells using the glycan primer method and creation of glycan libraries.
2) Analysis of interactions with glycan-recognized molecules such as amyloid beta using a biological membrane model using a glycolipid-containing planar membrane.
3) Development of drug delivery systems using nucleic acid/polysaccharide complexes.
4) Exploration of peptides involved in glycan recognition by phage display and development of infection inhibitors and virus sensing.
Shinohara Yasuro Shinohara Yasuro
Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kinjo Gakuin University
Glycomics, Glycation, Mass Spectrometry
Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kinjo Gakuin University
Through qualitative and quantitative analysis of various glycoconjugate glycans and free glycans present in cells and living organisms, we are conducting research that contributes to the elucidation of the mechanism of glycan metabolism and its response to various environmental changes.
Shimamoto Keiko Shimamoto Keiko
Institute of Bioorganic Science, Mr./Ms. Life Science Foundation
Glycolipids, membrane protein membrane insertion, chemical synthesis
We have clarified the structure of MPIase, a novel glycolipid that has the function of inserting membrane proteins into Escherichia coli membranes, by organic chemical methods. Furthermore, we aim to elucidate the mechanisms of complex biological phenomena by constructing a model system that analyzes the interaction between biological membranes and glycolipids using chemically synthesized ligands.
Simizu Siro Simizu Siro
The Faculty of Science and Engineering of Keio University uses the Department of Chemistry
C-Mannosylation, glycoprotein
We are searching for substrate proteins and responsible enzymes related to C-mannosylation. We are also focusing on the analysis of the role of responsible enzymes in vivo. We are working hard every day to help develop biomarkers and therapeutics.
Shimizu Hiroki Shimizu Hiroki
Industrial Technology Research Institute, Room 424, 6th Business Office
Synthesis, Microwave, Glycopeptide
We are also conducting chemical synthesis research using microwaves and enzymes. Focusing on drug development research, we target glycans and sugar (chain) peptides as compounds.
Sugai Takeshi Sugai Takeshi
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Keio University
Amino Saccharides, Glycosides, Glycan Synthesis Building Blocks
Using naturally derived and abundantly available carbohydrates and glycosides as starting materials, we selectively convert them using our own enzyme-chemical combination method to synthesize rare sugars (monosaccharides and small sugars) with high added value. So far, we have achieved the synthesis of N-glycolylneuraminic acid and derivatives, protectors of Lewis X
Suzuki Tadashi Suzuki Tadashi
RIKEN Research Division
Glycoprotein, free glycan, peptide: N-glycanase (NGLY1)
Mainly (1) Functional analysis of NGLY1, including the development of treatments for NGLY1 deficiency (2) Elucidation of new glycosylation mechanisms, including non-lysosomal metabolism of glycans (3) Comparative analysis of various species We are doing it.
Suda Yasuo Suda Yasuo
Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Kakoshima University
Takahashi Motoko Takahashi Motoko
Sapporo Medical University School of Medicine
Glycan analysis of signal receptors, site-specific glycan structure analysis
We are investigating the mechanism of glycan-controlled function of growth factor receptors such as ErbB, MET, and FGFR. Through site-specific glycan structure analysis of receptor molecules, we are trying to determine which glycans at which sites are involved in signal regulation, and to clarify what properties of receptor molecules are controlled. In addition, I am very interested in the mechanism by which the glycosylation rate and glycan structure are determined in a site-specific manner.
Takeuchi Hideyuki Takeuchi Hideyuki
Shizuoka State University's Faculty of Graduate Studies and Graduate School of Studies
Notch O-linked glycosylation, influenza virus, sialidase
Our research areas are glycobiology and pathological biochemistry. We will explore the fundamental role of glycans in life, which is the frontier of life science. Specifically, we will elucidate not only the functions of glycans in normal individuals, such as the regulatory mechanism of intercellular signaling by glycosylation, which regulates development and stem cell function, but also the functions of glycans related to pathologies such as viral infections, neurological diseases, and cancer. Furthermore, in order to contribute to the realization of a society of healthy longevity, we aim to develop new technologies using glycans and to discover original and innovative drugs.
Takegawa Kaoru Takegawa Kaoru
Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University
Basic and applied research on cell surface glycans and novel glycosidases of eukaryotic microorganisms
At present, the Fermentation Chemistry Laboratory is developing microorganisms with advanced capabilities by elucidating the various functions of glycans at the molecular level, using genetic engineering, protein engineering, and cell biology to impart, analyze, and enhance new functions, mainly eukaryotic microorganisms, yeast and filamentous fungi. In addition, we are conducting basic and fundamental research to search for and isolate new glycolytic enzymes from nature and databases, and to make effective use of them.
Takeda Yoichi Takeda Yoichi
Department of Bioengineering, Faculty of Life Sciences, Ritsumeikan University
Synthetic glycan probe, Molecular interaction analysis, Endoplasmic reticulum glucosetransferase
By synthesizing glycans and glycan probes with various structures and analyzing their interactions with glycan recognition proteins (lectins and chaperones, glycosyltransferases, glycohydrolases, etc.), we aim to elucidate the mechanisms of folding, transport, and degradation of glycoproteins with oligomannose-type glycans in the endoplasmic reticulum
Takematsu Hiromu Takematsu Hiromu
Faculty of Medical Sciences, Fujita Health University
Gain immunity Sialic acid cell division
We are conducting research with the aim of clarifying the functions of glycans and lipids, which are still often unknown.
In particular, we are pursuing functions related to drastic changes in glycan expression and lymphocyte activation.
We are also conducting research on sphingolipids, with a particular focus on the role of glycolipids in the regulation of cell division.
Tateno Hiroaki Tateno Hiroaki
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) Cell and Molecular Engineering Research Division
Lectins, Glycan Profiling (Lectin Arrays), Single Cell Glycan RNA Analysis (scGR-seq), Glycan-Lectin Interaction Analysis (Glycan Arrays, FACs)
(1) Development of glycan profiling technology (lectin array, scGR-seq)
(2) Elucidation and regulation of glycan-receptor interaction networks in various organisms and tissues
(3) Development of early diagnosis and treatment technologies for intractable diseases
(4) Development of lectin engineering technology
(5) Development of glycan
Tanaka Katsunori Tanaka Katsunori
RIKEN Tanaka Laboratory of Biomechanical Synthetic Chemistry / Tokyo Institute of Technology, Faculty of Physical Science
Glycan Delivery System, Glycan Pattern Recognition, In vivo synthetic chemotherapy
The glycan pattern recognition mechanism is used to selectively target specific organs, cells, or diseases in the body. In addition, we are considering efficient treatment without side effects by transporting drugs to the disease site or by biosynthesizing drugs at the disease site.
Tanaka Hiroshi Tanaka Hiroshi
School of Materials and Chemical Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Glycan Synthesis, Molecular Imaging, Automated Synthesis
We are developing efficient synthesis methods for glycans and glycan derivatives. In particular, we are promoting the synthesis of biofunctional polysaccharide-related glycans such as polysialic acid, β-glucan, and mannan. In addition, we are developing labeling technologies such as radioactive and fluorescent labeling.
Tamura Jun-ichi Tamura Jun-ichi
Department of Life and Environment Agriculture, Faculty of Agriculture, Tottori University
Acidic polysaccharides, chondroitin sulfate, matriglycans, glycan synthesis
Brief introduction of research: In our laboratory, we are working on the chemical synthesis of glycans, extraction, purification, and structure determination of naturally derived glycans. The targets of synthetic glycans are mainly acidic glycans such as glycosaminoglycans and matriglycans, and the theme is the reconstruction of their structures that determine their physiological activity and their application. In addition, we are isolating chondroitin sulfate from nature and trying to elucidate the characteristic structure and role of organisms and their parts at the molecular level.
Chiba Yasunori Chiba Yasunori
Research Center for Glycomedical Engineering, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)
Yeast, glycotransferase, sugar chain modification
We are conducting research and development focusing on the production of glycoproteins with human-type glycans using yeast and in vitro glycosylation using glycosyltransferases and transglycosylation. We have also built a system for mass expression of glycosyltransferases in yeast, so please contact us if you would like to supply glycosyltransferases, functional peptides and glycoproteins using them.
Toshima Kazunobu Toshima Kazunobu
The Faculty of Science and Engineering of Keio University uses the Department of Chemistry
Glycosylation (glycosylation) Sugar locks photolysis, bioactive sugars
In our laboratory, we are conducting research on the development of carbohydrate synthesis technology, photolysis of target glycans, and the creation of new bioactive carbohydrates such as fucoidan analogues, with a focus on the development of highly efficient and environmentally friendly glycolysation (glycosylation) technology.
Totani Kiichiro Totani Kiichiro
Seikei University, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Department of Physical Life Science and Technology
Glycosylation, Glycoprotein quality control mechanism, Folding disease
Chemical synthesis and enzyme-chemical preparation of glycans, analysis of glycoprotein quality control mechanisms using homogeneous glycan probes, disease analysis using reconstituted glycan profiling methods
Toyoda Hidenao Toyoda Hidenao
Ritsumeikan University Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Glycosaminoglycans, iPS cells, Drosophila
We have proved that sulfated polysaccharides such as heparan sulfate and chondroitin sulfate exist in model organisms such as Drosophila and Caenorhabditis elegans as well as in humans, and have led the world in structural and functional analysis. Recently, we have succeeded in analyzing the unique sugar chains produced by human iPS cells, and are aiming to contribute to the field of regenerative medicine and drug discovery research.
Toyoda Masashi Toyoda Masashi
Research Team for Geriatric Pathology, Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine, Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Gerontology and Geriatrics
Vascular Stem Cells Aging
He is working to elucidate the role of vascular function in the aging process of the cardiovascular system. In particular, using glycans (glycoproteins and glycolipids) as indicators, he tracks changes in cell morphology and function, and investigates the point of divergence between "healthy aging" and "aging that leads to disease. In addition, by utilizing stem cells to construct in vitro models, they aim to elucidate the molecular mechanisms of functional decline and disease development associated with aging.
Nakakita Shinichi Nakakita Shinichi
Kagawa University Research Center for Integrative Bioscience
N-glycoside sugar chain, biomaterials, sugar chain preparation
By preparing glycoprotein sugar chains in the mg order from biomaterials such as chicken eggs, I am using them as substrates for glycolytic enzymes and glycosyltransferases, ligands for lectins, and raw materials for sugar chain arrays, and analyzing their glycan structure specificity.
Nakano Hirofumi Nakano Hirofumi
Aichi University of Education Science Education Lecture in the field of Chemistry
Sulfotransferase inhibitors, inhibitors of Japanese encephalitis virus infection, chemical synthesis of low-molecular-weight sugar derivatives
In our laboratory, we are developing synthetic methods, preparing libraries, and studying the inhibitory activity of low molecular weight monosaccharide derivatives containing sulfate groups or substituents mimicking sulfate groups at various positions as chemical synthesis of selective sulfotransferase inhibitors and inhibitors of infection with Japanese encephalitis virus and other viruses.
Nakayama Jun Nakayama Jun
Molecular Pathology Classroom, Shinshu University School of Medicine
Gastric cancer, H. pylori, pathology
Glandular mucus secreted from the lower layers of the gastric mucosa contains O-glycans including N-acetylglucosamine (αGlcNAc) linked to α1,4 at the end of the sugar chain. To elucidate the significance of αGlcNAc expression under physiological and pathological conditions, our laboratory has isolated cDNA of α4GnT, which is involved in αGlcNAc biosynthesis, generated A4gnt knockout mice, and analyzed human pathological specimens. As a result, we demonstrated that αGlcNAc has antibacterial activity against H. pylori and suppresses tumorigenic inflammation in the gastric mucosa, and that αGlcNAc regulates the development of gastric cancer.
Natsuka Shunji Natsuka Shunji
Niigata University, Faculty of Science, Department of Biology
Glycan structure analysis, glycopeptide analysis
I have developed comprehensive and highly accurate structural analysis methods for glycans in order to elucidate the physiological functions of glycans. Currently, by combining this method with genetic manipulation and other techniques, I am analyzing the functions of glycans during zebrafish embryogenesis.
Nagaoka Isao Nagaoka Isao
Department of Medical Science, Juntendo University
Functional foods, glucosamine, O-N-acetylglucosamine modification
I have been studying the biological function modulating effects of glucosamine, a functional food, especially the anti-inflammatory effects of glucosamine and the activation of sirtuin gene and autophagy.
Nakano Miyako Miyako Nakano
Graduate School of Integrated Sciences for Life, Hiroshima University
Glycosylation, which is one of the posttranslational modifications of proteins, is involved in infection by pathogens such as bacteria and viruses, cancer and acquisition of drug-resistance. We investigate these biological mechanisms with detailed analysis of glycan structures by mass spectrometry. In addition, the newly established glycan structure analysis technique will be used to develop glycan-related biomarkers.
Nishikawa Atsushi Nishikawa Atsushi
Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology Graduate School of Agricultural Sciences
Nishijima Ken-ichi Nishijima Ken-ichi
Nagoya University Graduate School of Life Science and Agriculture
Chickens, Glycotechnology
He aims to apply genetic modification technology of chickens to basic research and vaccine production. He has shown that glycosylation is possible at the individual level in chickens through expression of galactosyltransferases and sialyltransferases.
Nokami Toshiki Nokami Toshiki
Tottori University Graduate School of Engineering
Automated liquid-phase electrolytic synthesis, oligosaccharide synthesis, glycosylation reaction intermediates
We are developing a method for automated synthesis of oligosaccharides based on electrochemical methods, which we call automated liquid-phase electrolytic synthesis.
Electrode (electrolytic) reactions do not require the use of unstable reactants and are easy to control and automate.
We have already provided samples of oligosaccharides and are working with companies to improve the equipment for practical use.
Hatakeyama Shingo
Graduate School of Medicine, Hirosaki University
Urology, Glycans, Malignant tumors, Glycosylation biomarkers
Since its inception in 1962, the Department of Urology at Hirosaki University has published research achievements such as the development of fiberglass cystoscopes and ureteroscopes, adrenal steroid hormone metabolism, catecholamine metabolism, bladder substitutes, hemodialysis, acute renal failure, transplant immunization, and BCG therapy for urothelial carcinoma. In addition to these research fields, we are developing research that is directly related to daily medical care by incorporating methods of glycobiology and molecular biology. In this course, we incorporate glycobiology, molecular biology, and immunology methods into the study of urological diseases. Recently, we have developed S2,3PSA% to detect glycan mutations in PSA, and it will be covered by insurance on February 1, 2024. In addition, we are developing "Cancer-Specific Neutron Supplementation (BNCT) Using Cancer-Specific Peptides," which was developed by applying glycobiology, and we are continuing our research every day with the aim of providing minimally invasive and highly effective treatments.
Hanashima Shinya
Faculty of Engineering, Tottori University
Glycolipids Synthesis NMR membrane physical properties
We synthesize glycolipids using organic chemistry and analyze the behavior of glycolipids on lipid membranes, including cell membranes, in detail using NMR and fluorescence spectroscopy. We specialize in the synthesis of glycolipids and the analysis of the structure and interactions of glycolipids using NMR of solutions and solids. We have also begun applied research using liposomes containing various synthesized glycolipids.
Hamamura Kazunori Kazunori Hamamura
Department of Pharmacology, Faculty of Dentistry, Aichi Gakuin University
Sugar Cell, Sugar Cell, Osteoclast, Cellularity, Cell, Carcinoma
We aim to elucidate the "glycan-mediated mechanism of bone metabolism regulation" by culturing osteoblasts and osteoclasts, and by using experimental systems using glycosyltransferase gene knockout mice. In addition, we would like to elucidate the effects of differences in glycans expressed in mesenchymal stem cells on the differentiation of osteoblasts, chondrocytes, and adipocytes, and Thailand for clinical application. In addition, we are conducting research on how glycans are involved in the acquisition of malignant traits in cancer cells such as oral squamous cell carcinoma and osteosarcoma.
Harada Yoichiro Harada Yoichiro
Department of Glyco-Oncology, Osaka International Cancer Center Research Institute
Asparagine-linked glycosylation, cancer, lung diseases (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and interstitial lung disease)
Regulation of glycan expression, function, and metabolism is expected to have therapeutic effects on cancer and precancerous lesions, paving the way for glycosylation drug discovery that inhibits or mimics the function of glycans. Our laboratory (Taniguchi Laboratory) is conducting the following research based on our long experience and achievements in glycoscience.
1. research on the role and regulation of glycans in cancer and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
2) Search for biomarkers of glycans for early diagnosis and monitoring of cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and interstitial lung diseases
3) Research on new control methods of cancer based on glucose metabolism
Higashi Nobuaki Higashi Nobuaki
Hoshi Yakuin University Chemistry Classroom
Hinou Hiroshi Hinou Hiroshi
Graduate School of Advanced Life Sciences, Hokkaido University
Glycoconjugate synthesis, mass spectrometry, microarray
Under the slogan of "Development and utilization of a group of fundamental technologies to accelerate glycoscience," we are developing fundamental technologies for the exploration, reconstruction, and functional elucidation of the molecular structure of glycoconjugates.
(1) Development of technologies for synthesis of glycans and glycoconjugates
(2) Construction of a library of glycoconjugate-related probe molecules
(iii) Technology for structural and functional analysis of glycoconjugates, focusing on mass spectrometry and microarrays.
(3) Technology for structural and functional analysis of glycoconjugates, focusing on mass spectrometry and microarrays.
Hirai Go Hirai Go
Kyushu University Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Metabolically tolerant glycan analogs, substrate-type inhibitors, photoaffinity labeled probes
We are studying the development of various molecular tools that can contribute to glycoscience. So far, we have independently developed metabolism-resistant glycan analogs that are not degraded by biological enzymes, substrate-based inhibitors of glycohydrolytic enzymes, and photoreactive functional groups that are useful for analyzing glycan-binding proteins.
Furthermore, we are challenging chemical biology research using these molecular tools.
Fukase Koichi Fukase Koichi
Osaka University Graduate School of Science
Glycosylation, innate immunity, bio-imaging
I am engaged in chemical research on glycans and glycoconjugates through isolation, structural analysis, and synthesis, as well as research on the mechanisms by which they express biological functions. In addition to basic research on the synthesis and function of bacterial innate immune activators and immunomodulatory glycans in vivo, and on the dynamics of cell surface glycans, glycolipids, glycoproteins, and antibodies using bioimaging, we are also engaged in research aimed at practical applications, including the development of vaccines and adjuvants and nuclear medicine therapeutics.
Fushinobu Shinya Fushinobu Shinya
The University of Tokyo, Graduate School of Agriculture and Life Sciences
X-ray crystallography, enzymatic analysis, cryo-electron microscopy analysis
My research focuses on structural and enzymatic analysis of various enzymes. My research targets are mainly carbohydrate-related enzymes of microorganisms, and I specialize in structural biology methods. We can provide technical assistance, collaborative research, and research consultation on biologically interesting proteins and enzymes, as long as the content of the research is such that the structural basis of the protein or enzyme is investigated.
Fujimoto Yukari Fujimoto Yukari
Faculty of Science and Technology, Keio University
Complex carbohydrates, chemical synthesis, immunomodulation
We are developing chemical synthesis methods for immunomodulatory glycoconjugates and other complex carbohydrates and analyzing their biological functions using synthetic compounds, aiming to elucidate the molecular basis of biological defense, immunity, inflammation, and other in vivo phenomena.
Fujiyama Kazuhito Fujiyama Kazuhito
Osaka University International Center for Biotechnology
Recombinant proteins, plant, insect, and CHO cells, glycosyltransferases, gene disruption
As recombinant protein expression hosts, plants and insects are expected to be the next generation of bioreactors. In addition, the glycosylation mechanism of CHO cells affects the qualitative part of recombinant proteins produced. Therefore, we are investigating glycan structures and glycosylation enzymes and their genes in plants, insects, and CHO cells, and constructing gene disruption cells.
Furukawa Keiko Furukawa Keiko
Chubu University, Faculty of Life and Health Sciences
Cancer-related glycolipid glycans, glycosyltransferase genes, exosomes
1) Enhancement of malignant traits of cancer cells by cancer-associated acidic sphingoglycolipids: We have shown that acidic sphingoglycolipids on cancer cell membranes regulate the localization of signaling molecules to lipid rafts, which activate signaling and enhance malignant traits.
2) Regulation of expression of cancer-associated glycolipids by inflammatory cytokines: We clarified the regulatory mechanisms of GD3 synthase gene and ganglioside expression on normal melanocytes by environmental stress and inflammatory cytokines, and are currently investigating the relationship to melanoma development.
3) Analysis of the composition of exosomes containing cancer-associated glycolipids and the regulatory function of their microenvironment: We found that the composition of exosomes varies depending on the glycolipid sugar chains on the exosome membrane. Detailed analysis is currently underway.
Furukawa Koichi Furukawa Koichi
Chubu University, Faculty of Life and Health Sciences
Glycosyltransferases, glycolipids, gangliosides, cancer-related antigens, glycogenes
I have been analyzing the expression changes and functions of complex carbohydrates, especially glycolipid glycans, which are mainly involved in the pathogenesis and pathology of human malignant tumors (cancer) and neurodegeneration. To this end, we aim to elucidate the regulatory mechanisms of cellular traits and cell signaling at the plasma membrane of glycolipid glycans by cloning glycosyltransferase genes that work in glycan synthesis, and by generating and analyzing glycan-modified cells and glycan-mutant animals through artificial search manipulation of glycan genes. Specifically, we are working day and night to analyze at the molecular level the role of glycans when cells become cancerous and exhibit malignant traits, and the glycan mutation and its mechanism when nerve cells deteriorate and develop dementia, in order to develop fundamental treatments for intractable diseases. In particular, in recent years, we have been focusing on elucidating the role of extracellular vesicles (exosomes) secreted by cancer cells in metastasis and developing CAR- (T) therapy, in which an antibody gene against cancer-related glycolipids is expressed as a chimera with a T lymphocyte receptor.
Hojo Hironobu Hojo Hironobu
Institute for Protein Research, Osaka University
Benzyl protection method, O-linked glycans, glycoproteins
I am conducting research on chemical synthesis of glycans and glycoproteins in order to advance functional analysis of protein glycans.
Hosaka Yoshinao Hosaka Yoshinao
Faculty of Agriculture, Tottori University
Differentiation, chondroitin sulfate
We aim to elucidate the effects of GAGs on cell proliferation and differentiation. In particular, we focus on the function of chondroitin sulfate.
Hosono Masahiro Hosono Masahiro
Molecular Biomembrane Research Institute, Tohoku Medical and Pharmaceutical University
Lectin, RNase, Gb3
He is conducting research on "Elucidation of anti-tumor mechanism of action by animal lectins and its application to cancer drug therapy". We are currently investigating the mechanism of action of sialic acid-binding lectin (cSBL) from bullfrog eggs, which selectively kills cancer cells based on its RNAase activity, and rhamnose-binding lectin (SAL) from catfish eggs, which inhibits cell proliferation without cell death by targeting Gb3, We are also investigating the effects of combining these drugs with existing anti-tumor drugs and discovering the functions of new glycolipids.
Honke Koichi Honke Koichi
Kochi University Faculty of Medicine
1. development and application of EMARS (proximity labeling using HRP) method
2. Construction and functional expression of membrane microdomains (lipid rafts)
3. Role of sulfated glycolipid sulfatides in biological functions, especially in spermatogenesis and myelin formation
Maeda Megumi
Okayama University Faculty of Environment, Life and Natural Sciences
Matsuo Ichiro Matsuo Ichiro
Gunma University Graduate School of Science and Technology
Glycan synthesis, high mannose-type glycans, chemically modified glycans, glycohydrolytic enzymes
I am conducting research on chemical synthesis of glycans, including glycoprotein sugar chains (asparagine (N-)-linked sugar chains), biologically active sugar chains, and unnatural-type sugar chains with controlled hydroxy group stereochemistry. In addition, we are synthesizing chemically modified glycans such as fluorescent labeling and biotinylation, and developing a detection system for sugar hydrolysis enzyme activity using chemically modified glycans as probes.
Matsuno Kenji Matsuno Kenji
Osaka University Graduate School of Science
Notch, EGF-like domains, O-glycosylation
Using Drosophila as a model system, I am studying the function of O-glycosylation of the Notch receptor. In particular, we are studying the functions of O-fucose and O-glucose sugar chains added to the EGF-like domain of the Notch receptor in Notch folding and intracellular trafficking.
Matsubara Teruhiko Teruhiko Matsubara
Department of Bioinformatics, Faculty of Science and Technology, Keio University
Gangliosides, Viral Infections, Amyloid β Proteins, Peptide Inhibitors, Peptide Dendrimers, Nanomaterials
We design peptides that bind to glycans, peptides that mimic glycans, and glycopeptides using phage display methods, and are developing them in viral infection inhibitors, virus sensors, and delivery research. We also investigate a relationship between the assembly of amyloid β proteins and gangliosides using a reconstruction technology of biological membranes.
Manabe Shino Manabe Shino
Hoshi University of Pharmacy and Life Sciences Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Glycosylation, Antibody glycosylation, Antibody-drug conjugates
I specialize in glycosylation, including the synthesis of 1,2-cis amino sugar chains using an endo cleavage reaction that I have discovered independently. We are also engaged in the modification of glycans of antibodies and the preparation of antibody-drug conjugates that take advantage of such modifications.
Manya Hiroshi Manya Hiroshi
Research Team for Aging Mechanisms, Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine
O-mannose-type glycans, glycosyltransferases, aging
My research focuses on the biosynthesis of glycoprotein sugar chains, and aims to elucidate the functions of sugar chains in aging and related diseases.
1) Elucidation of the pathogenesis of muscular dystrophy caused by abnormal O-mannose-type glycans and development of therapeutic methods
2) Elucidation of the mechanism of amyloid production and glycan functions in Alzheimer's disease
(3) Elucidation of glycan chain changes associated with aging and aging mechanisms using aging model mice
Miura Yuri Miura Yuri
Research Team for Aging Mechanism, Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine
Healthy longevity, aging-related diseases, biomarkers
Our research group uses proteomics, glycomics, and glycoproteomics to elucidate quantitative and qualitative changes in proteins expressed in vivo to elucidate the etiology and pathogenesis of aging and aging-related diseases and to develop biomarkers.
Miura Yoshiko Miura Yoshiko
Kyushu University Graduate School of Engineering
Glycopolymers, multivalent effects, nanomedicine
We study biofunctional molecules and polymers using glycopolymers (molecules with sugar chains attached to side chains), which are artificial sugar clusters. We are developing precise molecules by using precision controlled polymerization and nanoparticle synthesis. We are developing biomaterials, devices, and nanomedicine by developing and materializing molecules that strongly exhibit the multivalent biointeractions of sugar chains.
Mizuno Mamoru Mizuno Mamoru
Laboratory of Organic Glycochemistry, Noguchi Research Institute
Synthetic chemistry, glycan structure analysis, glycan remodeling
Our laboratory conducts research on the development of elemental technologies for organic and enzymatic synthesis of glycans, glycoconjugates, and glycoproteins, and on the structural analysis of glycoprotein sugar chains by mass spectrometry.
Minami Akira
Juntendo University Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Imaging, Sialidase, Sialic Acid, Dementia, Parkinson's Disease, Skin Aging, Sarcopenia, Diabetes
We have developed a fluorescent probe that can image the enzyme activity of glycosylases with high sensitivity on tissues in collaboration with the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Hiroshima International University. Based on the distribution information of enzyme activity in various tissues obtained using this probe, we are working to establish treatment and prevention methods for neurodegenerative diseases such as dementia and Parkinson's disease, skin aging, menopause, diabetes, sarcopenia, and visual impairment from an unprecedented perspective. In addition, we aim to develop functional foods, search for biomarkers, and create beauty technologies.
Miyata Shinji
Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Faculty of Agriculture, Hard Protein Research Facility
Miyanishi Nobumitsu Miyanishi Nobumitsu
Division of Food and Environmental Sciences, Department of Food and Environmental Sciences, Toyo University
Glycomics Analysis Environmental Glycobiology Glyco-evolution
Our laboratory conducts structural analysis of glycans for various species of organisms ranging from animals to plants. In particular, we are conducting comprehensive dynamic analysis of glycan groups involved in development and growth (vegetative growth), analyzing the effects of biostimulants on induced glycans and minute changes in glycans at growth points.
Miyoshi Eiji Miyoshi Eiji
Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine
Cancer, Gastrointestinal diseases, Biomarkers
We conduct research on the pathobiochemistry of glycans. Although our research targets are mainly cancer and gastrointestinal diseases, we have a strong network connecting various research fields with glycans. Our laboratory aims to develop new diagnostic and testing methods for gastrointestinal diseases, which are currently considered intractable, using the latest glycan analysis technology.
Mori Haruhide Mori Haruhide
Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido University
Oligosaccharide synthesis, enzyme function analysis
I am engaged in structure-function relationships of hydrolytic enzymes, glycosyltransferases, phosphorylases, isomerases, and synthases that act on carbohydrates, especially those related to substrate specificity, and in the development of methods to convert carbohydrates through the advanced use of these enzymes.
For example, the specificity of GH1 β-glucosidase, enzymatic synthesis of trehalose6-phosphate using phosphorylase, various GH130 β-mannoside phosphorylases, and cellobiose 2-epimerase, and their structure-function relationship and utilization.
Monde Kenji Monde Kenji
Institute of Advanced Life Sciences, Hokkaido University
Yamaguchi Takumi Yamaguchi Takumi
Hokuriku Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Graduate School of Advanced Science and Technology
Three-dimensional structural analysis, dynamics analysis, molecular design
I focus on physical chemistry research of glycans. I analyze the steric structure, dynamics, and interactions of glycans mainly by using NMR and MD simulations. We are also working on the control of glycan functions through the chemical design and synthesis of neo-complex glycoconjugates.
Yamaguchi Masanori Yamaguchi Masanori
Wakayama University Faculty of Education
Proteoglycans, Prebiotics
I am conducting research on "sugar," which plays an important role in the body. However, the sugar I am researching is not a "sweetener" sugar, but a sugar chain that is expressed on the cell surface and has an important function, a sugar chain that can be used in cosmetics, or a functional sugar chain that can improve the intestinal environment when consumed. We are researching functional sugar chains that can improve the intestinal environment when eaten. Sugar chains are responsible for various life activities ranging from immune mechanisms, cell proliferation, and cancer to virus infection. My main research theme is to artificially synthesize or extract the effective sugar chains from natural products and make them useful for human beings.
Yamaguchi Yoshiki Yamaguchi Yoshiki
Department of Structural Glycobiology, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Tohoku Medical and Pharmaceutical University
NMR, structure, interaction
Our goal is to elucidate the structure-function relationship of glycans by using physicochemical methods, mainly NMR methods.
Yamada Syuhei Yamada Syuhei
Laboratory of Pathophysiological Biochemistry, Meijo University School of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Glycosaminoglycans, proteoglycans
I am conducting research on proteoglycans and glycosaminoglycans. In recent years, we have been analyzing genetic diseases caused by mutations in glycosaminoglycan biosynthetic enzymes, the function of chondroitin sulfate degrading enzyme hyaluronidase 4, and knockout mice for heparan sulfate biosynthetic enzyme EXTL3.
Yamaji Toshiyuki Yamaji Toshiyuki
Department of Cytochemistry, National Institute of Infectious Diseases
Genome editing methods, glycan remodeling, genome-wide screening
Our group uses genome editing and other genetic methods to
1. search and analysis of host factors against pathogens (bacterial toxins and viruses) in mammalian cells
2. elucidation of the role of glycans and lipid molecular species in pathogen infection using genetically engineered cell populations
3. cell biological studies on metabolism and intracellular transport of glycans and lipids.
We are conducting cell biological research on metabolism and intracellular trafficking of glycans and lipids.
Yuasa Hideya Yuasa Hideya
Graduate School of Life Science and Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Photochemistry, Glycochemistry, Nucleic acid chemistry
He pioneered a method for photo-knockdown of glucose transporters by complexing a novel photosensitizer with oligonucleic acids. He has also discovered a new photosulfonamidation reaction, which he is developing into a photoclick reaction to bind natural sugar chains to glass substrates and proteins.
Yoshida Yukiko
Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Medical Science, Protein Metabolism Laboratory
Watanabe Hideto Watanabe Hideto
Institute of Molecular Medicine, Aichi Medical University
Proteoglycans, glycosaminoglycans, extracellular matrix
The research in this laboratory is focused on the structure and function of proteoglycans and glycosaminoglycans, especially those that are components of extracellular matrices, and their involvement in pathological conditions. In recent years, we have been studying (1) the in vivo function of versican, which is known as a representative proteoglycan of the extracellular matrix, (2) the function of chondroitin sulfate based on its fine sugar chain structure, and (3) the energy metabolism of individuals by heparan sulfate.