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Announcement of Glycoscience Frontier Seminar

J-GlycoNet will start a new seminar “Glycoscience Frontier Seminar” to promote the fusion of glycoscience and different fields.


The first session is titled “Glycoscience x Neurosience”,



Glycoscience: Dr. Hiroyuki Kitagawa (Kobe Pharmaceutical University) 

Neuroscience: Dr. Toshihide Yamashita, (Osaka University)


This seminar will consist of a lecture and panel discussion with lecturers and panelist audience.

Please join us!



・Explanation of the purpose of Glycoscience frontier seminar

・Prof. Hiroshi Kitagawa 「Role of glycosaminoglycan in the nervous system」

・Prof. Toshihide Yamashita 「Development of therapeutic strategies to repair neuronal network

・Panel Discussion






1st Glycoscience Frontier Seminar